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Black Cherry Essential Oil
Black Cherry Essential Oil


Black Cherry Essential Oil

Cerasus vulgaris The black cherry tree comes from the Cerasus vulgaris which is a shrub rarely exceeding 8 meters in height. In the wild, it is a very suckering shrub, forming bushes in hedges and on slopes. The flowers are grouped in umbels of 2-4 flowers, appear at the beginning of the foliage. This plant is native to Europe and southwest Asia.

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39540916781225///15ml:0|44099277979817///15 ml (pro):0|44099278012585///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|

39540916781225///15ml:0|44099277979817///15 ml (pro):0|44099278012585///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|44099278045353///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|

6637228359849///Black Cherry Essential Oil:$13.67|