



Chinese phytotherapy stick, Moxa is an essential tool for muscle and joint pain and stiffness.

5 rolls per box.


Moxibustion involves warming a specific point using moxas and allowing the heat to penetrate through the skin. The term moxa is believed to originate from the Japanese word "Mogusa," which refers to a variety of mugwort, the plant from which moxas are usually made. These are most commonly in the form of sticks. It is the heat released by their combustion that stimulates the points.

Used alone or in combination with other treatments, moxibustion consists of treating various pathologies thanks to the heat effect produced on the chosen point. Moxibustion helps prevent or relieve problems such as rheumatic, joint, and muscle pain.

This technique has more than positive effects on health by stimulating and improving circulation and energy, as well as on the body's defenses.

Benefits of moxibustion in body care:

  • Relieve muscle pain and stiffness;
  • Relieve joint pain;
  • Stimulate local blood microcirculation;
  • Activate metabolism and restore normal functions.

Moxibustion gives very good results for various pathologies, including:

Muscle tensions and pains;

  • Joint problems: osteoarthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains;
  • Muscle problems: tendonitis, bursitis, etc.;
  • Joint mobility issues (weakness of the knees, shoulder dislocation, lower back pain, etc.);
  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Joint blockages due to cold humidity (pain exacerbated by atmospheric conditions);
  • Fibromyalgia. 


User manual

Simply light them and hold them a few centimeters from the area of tension to be treated or the area to be warmed up. The therapist can leave the moxa above the skin without moving it or move it slightly until the patient's skin becomes reddish and the person feels a pleasant warmth.


After using moxa, it is important to properly extinguish it because if it is not properly extinguished, it can reignite. To extinguish it, it is highly recommended to use a snuffer or extinguish it in fine sand or coarse salt. 


Moxibustion is not recommended:

  • On the face
  • At a feverish customer
  • It is not recommended to perform moxibustion on a pregnant woman's abdomen, lower back, or sacral region.
  • On an open wound 


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