Strategic business coaching (including videos and tools)
Strategic business coaching (including videos and tools)
Strategic business coaching (including videos and tools)
Strategic business coaching (including videos and tools)

Clinique Lafontaine

Strategic business coaching (including videos and tools)


Video presentation : Click here !

This coaching is aimed at who ?

These sessions and tools are aimed at graduating massage therapists, self-employed workers or clinic owners.

  • If you are a massage therapist who has a clinic and would like to improve your business practices.
  • If you are a massage therapist who is tired of having two jobs at the same time and would like to only have one job.
  • If you are a massage therapist who had a well-established clientele, but must start all over again in another city or open another clinic in a different area.
  • If you are a massage therapist who has suspended or reduced your practice for several months or years for family or health reasons and who wishes to rebuild a clientele.

Your success depends on the strategies used and your mindset. It is completely normal to have concerns and doubts about the strategies to employ. We are here to support you!

Did you know that the survival rate of a business after 10 years is only 43% in Canada as of 2020 **

This low survival rate is explained by the lack of skills, business knowledge and resources which lead the business to closure or eventual bankruptcy.

What result to expect ?

  • Sales increase.
  • Increased repeat purchase percentage.
  • Clarification of actions to be taken in the days to follow.
  • Clarification of communications with employees and customers.
  • Resumption of feeling in control of clinic operations.

360 degree assessment of your web presence

  • Validation of consistency across all communication channels. (Omnichannel)
  • Validation of consistency between the message and the expected customer perception.
  • Validation of the visibility of services and products.
  • Specific recommendations will be given to you.

Advanced strategy tool and video series:

  1. Attract and retain your customers in 9 steps (a guide)
  2. Vision, mission, 5 whys and 5 hows
  3. Monthly Care Performance Index Calculator + Chart
  4. Calculator + graph of the repeat rate of annual reservations (rebooking)
  5. Simplified competitive intelligence and price analysis
  6. Renewal of massage therapy treatments (key phrases)
  7. The transformation and guide (14 pages that help your unique positioning)
  8. Make your services and products attractive

Individual meetings

  • 10 personalized 60-minute virtual meetings included

Why undertake strategic business coaching ?

Thanks to a vision outside the company, business development coaching allow the achievement of specific objectives in terms of performance. In most cases, it takes place in five (5) distinct phases:

  1. THE diagnostic (an analysis of the problem)

  2. Lidentification of objectives in order to resolve the challenges raised.

  3. THE strategy development, performance indicators (KPIs) and deadlines.

  4. There implementation of the strategy, depending on the means and resources available.

  5. THE assessment and summary in order to confirm the results obtained.

These sessions will help you attract and retain your customers as well as improve your strategic business perspective. In the short term, you will be able to increase your business stability as well as implement the necessary fixes for your start-up or business growth.

Implementing inadequate or ineffective solutions can hinder success. Several initiatives can be put in place upstream in order to increase the predictability of the expected results.

Almost everyone procrastinates or strays from their professional goals during their career. It's a well-known fact that many business owners attribute their success in part to the help they received from others! It is all the more important to feel that you are on the right track and moving towards success.

Additional conditions and information

Prerequisite required for sessions:

Have a professional account with Clinique Lafontaine.

Required IT elements:

Computer, tablet or smartphone with microphone and camera + Microsoft Teams software (free)

  • Sessions are scheduled weekly based on needs and emergencies. This is a bank of cumulative sessions. Availability is Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Coaching and support concern business practices and not massage techniques.

For any questions relating to this offer, please contact Tommy Paré-Thibault at the following address:


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