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Bergamot essential oil
Bergamot essential oil
Bergamot essential oil


Bergamot essential oil


Bergamot contains a good percentage of limonene which is known for its antiseptic, antiviral and sedative properties. It also contains a high percentage of linalyl acetate giving it calming and sedative actions. We have noticed the reduction in the time it takes to fall asleep and the extension of the sleep period thanks to its effects.

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42316652052649///15ml:0|44099276800169///15ml (pro):0|44099276865705///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|

42316652052649///15ml:0|44099276800169///15ml (pro):0|44099276865705///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|44099276931241///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|

7518955602089///Bergamot essential oil:$11.08|