Treat yourself with essential oils:Aromatherapy
Being in tune with oneself, both physically and psychologically, is very legitimate at a time when everything is moving faster and faster, where the body is subject to permanent nuisances (noise, pollution, etc.) and where the mind must deal with regular tensions..
To stay healthy, knowing how to recognize and accept your needs is nevertheless essential: the body must rest when it is tired, eat when it is hungry, drink when it is thirsty.
Likewise, the mind must clear itself when it reaches saturation, relax after hours of concentration and clear its mind when problems follow one another.
In this regard, returning to the fundamentals of health and a certain dose of common sense appears to be the sine qua non condition for achieving serenity and well-being. So that our bodies can regain their balance, entirely natural methods are being brought up to date. Aromatherapy is one of them.
What is thearomatherapy ?
Aromatherapy is a remedy dating back to Antiquity. Indeed, the Egyptians already included plants such as mint and bay leaf in their healing potions. It was only later, in the 11th century, that the idea of extracting the active ingredients from plants by distillation appeared.
Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy (phyto = plants and therapy = treatment). It consists of collecting the active ingredients of plants by a complex process of steam distillation to recover the liquid and concentrated form that we know and which is called essential oil. It is not a question of fatty substances strictly speaking but of an infinity of active molecules.ves.
Each essential oil has a particular chemical composition called a chemotype. It is defined according to the plant's environment, soil, exposure to the sun, temperature, resistance to bad weather, etc.c.
The same plant species can therefore produce different essential oils and thus have several chemotypes.».
What are essential oils used for? ?
The plant world offers an almost inexhaustible source of active ingredients capable of relieving minor everyday ailments and more serious pathologies. They also help instill energy and defend us against external attacks.
Their properties are varied: antispasmodic, antiviral, relaxing, aphrodisiac, stimulating, antiseptic, digestive, etc.…
The aroma of essential oils has a beneficial effect on an individual's mind by directly influencing their psycho-emotional balance. Essential oils can play an important role in the prevention of stress-related illnesses. By improving our balance and our general well-being, they make it possible to better resist fatigue, contribute to the restoration of balance in the body and mind, promote the elimination of nervous tensions, or even release organic blockages so-called functional.».
Unlike the other 5 senses, the messages sent by the olfactory sense do not reach consciousness directly. These messages reach the brain via the limbic system (= reptilian brain) hence the fact that certain odors have an immediate effect on mood before we even notice it.
We can use essential oils in several ways.
They are used in cases of digestive and/or infectious disorders, etc. (ENT, tonsillitis, bronchitis). Be careful of interactions with other medications; you should always seek the advice of a health professional and consult the product's technical sheet..
Essential oils penetrate the skin very well and act deep within the body. This use is particularly recommended in cases of skin diseases or for cosmetic use: improving the condition of hair, nails, skin…
By diffusion or inhalation:
Essential oils can be inhaled using an inhaler at a rate of 2 to 3 drops for the equivalent of a bowl of water. They can also be diffused throughout the house with an essential oil diffuser. This makes it possible to purify the air, depollute, kill microbes, or quite simply, create a pleasant olfactory atmosphere.
Be careful, essential oils, due to their high concentration of active ingredients, must be handled with care.
Essential oils are not recommended (consult the technical sheets before use) in:
- pregnant or breastfeeding women;
- children under 7 years old;
- people suffering from epilepsy;
- people with gastric disorders (ulcer, esophageal reflux, etc.), orally.
Some additional precautions
- wash your hands thoroughly after use;
- do not stream continuously;
- do not use pure, always dilute with oil.