Important essential oils to know for the hot season
Have you thought about concocting a special refreshing massage oil for the hot season? ?
This season brings its share of discomforts and inconveniences to which you have the key! Whether it is discomfort caused by the effects of heat and humidity (clammy skin, perspiration, oily skin), overexposure to the sun (dry skin) or even the presence of mosquitoes, the selection of your essential oils can relieve them to a large extent.
So here it is! Know that the essential oils from citrus are all refreshing oils and you can easily make a divine blend.
The benefits of essential oils from citrus
Starting with thelemon essential oil : when used externally, it helps control seborrhea. It therefore has an action on oily skin, pimples and boils.
It also has benefits on blood circulation (cellulite, water retention, heavy legs, varicose veins) and particular properties such as::
- Psychic stimulant
- Psychic and nervous tonic (stimulant of the sympathetic system)
Also, there are other significant advantages of using lemon essential oil in massage or diffusion. Indeed, it acts on the psycho-emotional level by combating:
- Anguish and anxiety
- Asthenia (and intellectual fatigue)
- Lack of concentration
- Lack of self-confidence
- Recovery time
- Lack of creativity
- Seasonal depression, wavering mood
- Lack of enthusiasm and fatigue
- Pessimism
L'tangerine essential oil and theorange essential oil share many of these properties while adding others which are synergistic, therefore complementary.
- Combine them in the basic massage oil at the rate of 3 drops of each of these selected essential oils.
- add a single drop of mint essential oil In 300 milliliters of basic vegetable massage oil.
A magnificent effect, especially since these oils also have an effect on muscle and joint pain.
Let's remember that they are sensitizing photos: you should therefore not expose yourself to the sun for 24 hours following topical application!
Good massages!