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Dermo-Fitness Serum
Dermo-Fitness Serum
Dermo-Fitness Serum


Dermo-Fitness Serum


The Dermo-Fitness Serum is a natural complex with phytoaromatic virtues and exceptional adipose tissue disinfiltrating properties.

Thanks to its high concentration of active ingredients, this product helps to effectively dissolve excess cellulite and prevents its reappearance.

Its effective liporeducing ivy extract initiates the removal of cellulite and the drainage of infiltrated areas and reduces inflammation and excessive tissue sensitivity.

It also stimulates cell renewal. The skin then becomes satiny and regains the invigorating effect of the fabric.

The Dermo-Fitness Serum is the first responder in professional body care.

Its sustained use ensures regional detoxification essential for long-lasting results.

It also seriously reduces the appearance of orange peel.

Actions of the serum: 

  • Anti cellulite
  • Slimming and reshaping the body
  • Reduces and modulates the amount of fat in adipose tissue
  • Activates microcirculation
  • Stimulates cell renewal and targets the most affected regions
  • Facilitates the elimination of toxins



41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|

41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|41620215496873///240 ml (director-ams):0|

41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|41620215496873///240 ml (director-ams):0|43593375678633///100 ml (pro):0|

41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|41620215496873///240 ml (director-ams):0|43593375678633///100 ml (pro):0|43593375711401///100 ml (pro) 12+:0|

41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|41620215496873///240 ml (director-ams):0|43593375678633///100 ml (pro):0|43593375711401///100 ml (pro) 12+:0|43593375744169///100 ml (pro) 24+:0|

41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|41620215496873///240 ml (director-ams):0|43593375678633///100 ml (pro):0|43593375711401///100 ml (pro) 12+:0|43593375744169///100 ml (pro) 24+:0|43593376530601///240 ml (pro):0|

41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|41620215496873///240 ml (director-ams):0|43593375678633///100 ml (pro):0|43593375711401///100 ml (pro) 12+:0|43593375744169///100 ml (pro) 24+:0|43593376530601///240 ml (pro):0|43593376563369///240 ml (pro) 12+:0|

41620215431337///100 ml (director-ams):0|41620215496873///240 ml (director-ams):0|43593375678633///100 ml (pro):0|43593375711401///100 ml (pro) 12+:0|43593375744169///100 ml (pro) 24+:0|43593376530601///240 ml (pro):0|43593376563369///240 ml (pro) 12+:0|43593376596137///240 ml (pro) 24+:0|