Programme complet Soins relaxant et désintoxifiant du visage


Complete Relaxing and Detoxifying Facial Care Program

You want to offer a new care in your clinic? Here is a complete relaxing and detoxifying facial care program with advanced technology. The products and care protocols have been designed to offer maximum relaxation and results while requiring a minimum of care time. Must be included in your global care card! This care program includes: 1 Triple Action Moor+ Cleansing Gel 125 ml 1 Moor+ Exfoliating Facial Gel 125 ml 1 Moor+ Facial Mask 80 ml 1 Replenishing Hydrating Cream 60 ml 1 Aromaceutical Relaxation Formula 15 ml 2 Polished basalt stones for the face 1 Care protocol guide for professionals 1 Bioterra cardboard poster (8 "x 8") 1 Bioterra branded poster (19 "x 19")


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6637230391465///Complete Relaxing and Detoxifying Facial Care Program :$144.92|