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Relieve your cough!

Faced with wet or dry coughs, it is possible to resort to self-medication.


You cough don't smoke!!

Two days after catching the virus, the first symptoms of a cold appear in the infected person: sore throat, hoarseness, sneezing, runny nose. Shortly after, headaches, watery eyes, blocked noses and more or less wet coughs typically occur. Obviously, if you cough, it is important to stop smoking. So put your pack of cigarettes aside and stay away from all smokers for a while..


Cough suppressants for dry coughs

Dry cough is an irritation of the throat. Inflammatory, acute and without secretions, it is often painful. Worse at night, it can be relieved by cough suppressant products.

Essential oils and cough suppressants act directly on the cough. Here are 2 essential oils with a cough suppressant function:  Eucalyptus And Cypress.


Thinners against wet coughs

As an essential defense mechanism, it is important to respect the wet cough and not necessarily try to stop it.

It is therefore not recommended to take antitussive medications (= cough medications), as these block the cough reflex, they can cause an accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and lungs, which risks further clogging the respiratory tract. . Generally speaking, the treatment of wet cough varies depending on the cause and the origin of the disease is treated. The treatments simply consist of promotingexpectoration of pulmonary mucus.


Treatment of wet cough consists of:

  • Stay well hydrated, drink at least 1.5 L of water per day so that the sputum is sufficiently fluid to be properly evacuated.
  •  Ventilate all rooms.
  • Use an air humidifier.
  • Diffuse eucalyptus essential oil.
  •  Above all, do not smoke or be in the presence of smokers or any other irritating factor in the ambient air.
  • Unclog the nose with salt water several times a day.



The essential oils (EO) used to combat wet coughs are Eucalyptus or Cypress essential oil at a rate of 3 drops in a spoonful of honey, 3 times a day.

Also strengthen your immune system by consuming a supplement rich in magnesium, zinc, iron and copper such as Nergyform.


Wet cough: when to consult ?

If wet cough is generally benign, it can also reveal more serious pathologies (chronic bronchitis, significant bacterial infection, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, tuberculosis, asthma). In the event of prolonged wet cough, purulent appearance of secretions or cough accompanied by blood, vomiting, or fever or significant fatigue, it is important to consult a doctor as quickly as possible..


How to prevent wet cough ?

We cannot prevent the cough itself, only prevent the illnesses associated with the symptom, such as respiratory infections.

It is appropriate, for example:

  •  ofavoid the use of air conditioners, which dry out the air and respiratory tract,
  • to regularly ventilate your house,
  • wash your hands regularly,
  • use paper tissues to blow your nose and/or spit and throw them away immediately.

And not :

  •  overheat your interior
  •  cough without putting your hand over your mouth,
  • shake hands if you are sick or with someone who is sick.