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Formule 66


Formula 66

Complex of essential oils, the Formula 66 is made for the ears. Containing essential oils skilfully dosed in a vegetable oil base, it helps to relieve earaches such as otitis.


39540916945065///15ml:0|44099271524521///15 ml (pro):0|

39540916945065///15ml:0|44099271524521///15 ml (pro):0|44099271557289///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|

39540916945065///15ml:0|44099271524521///15 ml (pro):0|44099271557289///15 ml (pro) 12+:0|44099271590057///15 ml (pro) 24+:0|

6637228556457///Formula 66:$15.42|